On November 20th, FAKH Executive Director, Gary Miles, attended a “Day of Giving” event at the Capitol in Frankfort. The event was hosted by Commissioner of Agriculture, Ryan Quarles, to recognize local nonprofits who recently received funding from the Walmart Foundation State Giving Grant.
FAKH was just one of 10 recipients to receive a grant to help better serve those in need. The $80,000 awarded to our organization will be used to provide fresh produce and other food items to those we serve all year long.
Currently, most of the fresh foods we are able to distribute are provided by the Kentucky Association of Food Banks’ “Farms to Food Banks Program”. While this program has many benefits, most importantly the fact that all of the produce comes from Kentucky farmers, it is only available during the growing season in Kentucky. That limits the availability to about four months out of the year. This grant from Walmart, and our continued participation in the Farms to Food Banks Program, will allow us to begin providing these fresh items all year long.
You can read the full press release here: https://www.wtvq.com/2017/11/20/kentucky-nonprofits-receive-money-day-giving/
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