Tag: fresh produce
FAKH is furthering Equitable Access to Nutritious Food
Food is health; it supports a person’s growth, productivity and wellness, as well as reducing the risk of illnesses like diabetes, depression, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. At FAKH […]
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Medicare Commits $466,200 to Extend Partnership with FAKH and distribute fresh produce to local neighbors.
Latest funding boosts the “Serving Up Fresh” program, ensuring access to fresh, nutritious food for local families; total donations exceed $1.1M since 2019 Dec. 14, 2023 – Feeding America, Kentucky’s […]
FAKH is Nourishing Communities through Farms to Food Banks Program
In the heart of Kentucky, the Farms to Food Banks (F2FB) program has emerged as a consistent beacon of hope, not only for local farmers struggling with surplus produce but […]
FAKH Receives $80,000 to Purchase Fresh Produce
On November 20th, FAKH Executive Director, Gary Miles, attended a “Day of Giving” event at the Capitol in Frankfort. The event was hosted by Commissioner of Agriculture, Ryan Quarles, to […]