Our leadership team consists of individuals with a range of diverse backgrounds – all of whom bring a wealth of experience to our organization. Each board member serves as an unwavering advocate and financially supports our mission to end hunger in the Heartland.

Jeremy Hinton
Larue Co.
Hinton’s Orchard & Farm Market Owner

Scot hutcheson
Hardin Co.
Merrill Lynch First VP Wealth Mgt. Advisor

Stefanie Goff
Hardin Co.
Lincoln Trail District Health Dept. Director of Community Health Services
Philip Logsdon
Hardin Co.
Cerity Partners CPA, Senior Mgr.
Debbie Howell
Hardin Co.
Venminder HR Director
Chris Burton
Caldwell Co.
Princeton Electric Plant Board Operations Superintendent
LaTOYA Drake
Barren Co.
UK Extension Service Program Coordinator KY NEP
Mary Mills-Turner
Hart Co.
USDA Farm Service Agency Retired
Laura Hagan
Warren Co.
Kerrick Bachert, PSC Attorney
Michael Smith
Pulaski Co.
The Kroger Company District Manager
DR. Erica Courtney
Edmonson Co.
Uof L Glasgow Family Medicine Physician
Steven Smith
Grayson Co.
The Cecilian Bank VP Grayson Co. Market
Shannon Clark
Warren Co.
Houchens Food Group Director of Brand & Marketing
Taylor Hayes
Christian Co.
Christian Co. Chamber of Commerce President CEO
Jennifer Maddux
Christian Co.
Planters Bank Comm. Reinvestment Act Officer
Sergio Beltran
Warren Co.
South Central Bank Lending Development Officer
Martha Steil
Christian Co.
United Southern Bank Human Resources Director
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