I Am FAKH – Providing stability through food assistance in Allen County

Judy and True Gospel Food Pantry leader Rebecca Allen

Judy has been visiting the True Gospel Fellowship food distributions for two years. When we visited in March, Judy carpooled to the pantry with her neighbor Virginia so that they both could receive the food that they need.

Judy is a doting great-grandmother and she adores her five year old great-grandson who lives with her 90% of the time. The food that Judy receives at True Gospel Food Pantry supports the two of them, but even with the support of the food pantry Judy’s limited-income makes it difficult to provide everything for healthy lives.

“I never expected to be raising another child at my age but I love him so much and I want the best for him,” shared Judy.

Judy’s great-grandson has health conditions that limit his diet, specifically requiring him to avoid highly processed foods and sugar. All the more reason to incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables to his diet when Judy is able.

“He loves fruit – bananas, apples, oranges – and I always try to get something fresh for him when I go to the grocery,” said Judy.

Taking items from her monthly Commodity Supplemental Food Program box, Judy makes some of the best chili you’ve ever had and she was excited to utilize some of the fresh produce she received at True Gospel to make her chili even better. Her resourcefulness with the food she receives at True Gospel is something she prides herself on, but she acknowledges that there are so many in her community that need the resources but do not receive them.

“Transportation is a major hurdle for a lot of people here,” Judy said, “and there are a lot of people that don’t want to be seen as in need.”

You can support our work to empower neighbors like Judy and her great-grandson by donating to help us provide nutritious food to those that we serve. To support our work, visit https://feedingamericaky.networkforgood.com


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