Despite the recent weather, spring is upon us. This is usually the time of year when we are focused on cleaning and getting rid of things that are old and/or not being used. This purging can often include more than just our garages and closets. It can also include our refrigerators and cupboards too.
Whether by intention or accident, over the long winter months, many of us create quite a stock pile of food items. The situation is all too familiar, that one can or item is constantly pushed to the back because of frequent trips to the grocery.
While some of these food items no doubt need to be tossed, many of them are thrown away simply because the expiration date is near or has already passed. We would rather be “safe than sorry” and we know that we can easily replace them with a quick trip to the local grocery store. However, for many of those that we serve, this is not an option.
56% of those we serve report eating food past the expiration date.
This is not a result of overflowing pantries that need to be cleaned out. Instead, it is because their limited resources, and thus limited food supply, mean that they literally cannot afford to throw away food. Many of us have eaten food past the expiration date that is stamped on the side, but for these individuals it is a frequent occurrence.
Through our partner agencies, and your support, these families have a means of getting fresh, nutritious foods – without the worry of how they will pay for it. CLICK HERE to make a donation and help those in our region who face the uncertainty of where their next meal will come from on a daily basis.
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