The well-known naturalist John Muir once noted that, “The scenery on approaching the Cumberland River becomes still grander … Burkesville, in beautiful location, is embosomed in a glorious array of verdant flowering hills.”1 Between the Cumberland River and Dale Hollow Lake, the allure of the area is undeniable. But hidden behind these beautiful landscapes is a problem that plagues every county in the US – hunger.
Cumberland County is one of the 42 counties served by our organization. According to a Feeding America study, approximately 1 in 6 people living in Cumberland County (15.9%) are food-insecure. This means while they might not be going completely without food, they don’t always know when or where that food will come from. To help alleviate this uncertainty, we operate several programs in Burkesville, and other parts of the county, to provide a reliable, consistent source of food for these individuals and their families.
We currently have 5 partner agencies within the county:
- Cumberland County Fiscal Court
- Feed My Sheep Food Pantry
- Cumberland County Salvation Army
- Cumberland County Community Action
- Cumberland County Senior Center (LCADD)
Through these partnerships, we are not only able to help individuals and families fill their pantries and tables with various food items, but also have programs which support those in the community who are more vulnerable.
Each month over 200 seniors in Cumberland County receive additional assistance through the CSFP Program. This government commodities program helps support those who are 60 and older and struggle to meet all of their own needs, usually because of a limited income. In addition, the BackPack Program provides weekend food to almost 20 students, who often rely on the school meals they receive during the week as a main source of nourishment.
We are incredibly grateful for our partner agencies in Cumberland County and all they do to fight hunger in their community. But there is still a lot to be done. Together, we can work to fight hunger and ensure everyone has the quality of life they deserve. CLICK HERE to make a donation today.
1 https://cumberlandcounty.ky.gov/Pages/about.aspx
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