Agency Spotlight: Lyon County Housing Authority

November 6, 2017 – The Lyon County Housing Authority in Eddyville, KY is just one of the partner agencies we work with in Lyon County to ensure that the needs of local senior citizens are met. Each month staff members and volunteers distribute 50-60 boxes of food to those in their community.

These boxes are part of the Commodity and Supplemental Food Program (CSFP), a government program that provides food assistance to those over 60 years old who are faced with a limited income.  Many of those on the program are retired and/or disabled. This, coupled with rising medical costs and other bills, often makes it hard for them to meet all of their food needs.

Janet Oliver, an Eddyville native, is one of the volunteers responsible for making sure those in her community receive their box each and every month.  Unfortunately, sometimes the food these tenants receive from the Housing Authority is the only food they will have for the month.  “We see people who are very appreciative of the food assistance.  Many depend on this month to month,” said Janet.

Janet has been involved with the agency for almost 14 years.  But after all these years, she still says “Knowing that you have met a need for people who you might not have known about otherwise” is the most rewarding part. “It makes you feel good to see people who are in need thankful for what they receive,” says Janet.

Agencies like the Lyon County Housing Authority play a huge role in the fight against senior hunger in our region.  To learn more about agencies and services in your area please call our main office at 270-769-6997.





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